FSU Offset Printing


Preferred Contract Supplier: FSU Buyer’s Guide to Offset Printing

How To Order

This is a non-Catalog Supplier. Use the Services Request Form within SpearMart.


FSU Procurement Specialist

Natalie Mize and Tugba Madaus
850-644-3437 and 850-645-2304
nmize@fsu.edu and tmadaus@fsu.edu

Special Notes

Offset Printing Requests - How to order :

Offset printing requests will be processed by Procurement Services. Departments should enter requisition in SpearMart using the Services Request Form with a complete description of the print job in the description and submit all printing specifications to Patricia Keller. Job specifications regarding the project requirement is necessary to provide a price quote and time frame before production starts. Offset printing jobs valued at $10,000 or more will be subject to competitive pricing through the Procurement solicitation process.

FSU Offset Printing | Procurement Services


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