Amazon Business

Amazon Business Prime Punchout Catalog for FSU

The University has created a central Amazon Business Prime account for the FSU community. FSU’s new Amazon Business Prime account offers the familiar marketplace user experience that personal shoppers have enjoyed for years, and provides the ability to shop for items not offered by our contracted suppliers. Features of the program include:

  • Unlimited Free 2-day shipping on Prime-eligible items
  • Automatic tax exempt purchasing on items sold by LLC and participating 3rd party sellers
  • Business pricing and quantity discounts on millions of items
  • Access to a specialized business only Customer Service team at 866-486-2360

Participating in FSU’s Amazon Business Program

Please be sure to check the contracts section of the Procurement Services Website ( before purchasing from Amazon or contact Procurement Services. When University Spearmart contracts are not available, Amazon may be utilized. If you have questions, please call 850-644-6850 or e-mail

Only employees who are participating in the University's Amazon business account will be authorized to use the University’s sales tax exemption for Amazon purchases. Therefore, employees who would like to purchase from Amazon and are not members of the University's Amazon business account should contact procurement services to determine who should make purchases on their behalf.

No personal purchases may be made from University email addresses in the business account. Personal use or any unauthorized use of the University’s sales tax exemption is prohibited.

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For detailed information on how to use the Amazon Business punchout catalog, visit the FSU Amazon Business eProcurement Buyer Training guide.

Amazon Business Customer Service can by contacted by clicking HERE for live chat or by calling 866.486.2360.

In order to offer enhanced customer service for our campus colleagues, we would like to hear your feedback on this program. Please call us at 850-644-6850 or email your feedback to

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When can Amazon Business be used?

When a product or service is not available from other University contracted suppliers, Amazon Business may be used. A list of contracted suppliers is available on the Procurement Services website at

  1. How can an Amazon Business account be created?

An Amazon Business account is automatically created when you log in to, click the SpearMart icon, and then click the PunchOut catalog icon for Amazon.

  1. Can Amazon Business be used for personal purchases?

No. The University’s Amazon Business account is for FSU business-related purchases only. Personal use of the Amazon Business account or any unauthorized use of the University’s sales tax exemption is prohibited.

  1. Can I purchase a “Restricted” item?

Proceed with adding the item to your cart and checking out. In SpearMart submit your requisition for purchase order and it will be reviewed by a Procurement Specialist.

     5. I received the error: “You can’t check out. Your organization is set up to place orders on Amazon using a procurement system."

Log in to and shop through the SpearMart punchout catalog for Amazon instead of logging in and shopping through

     6. On my order information shows: "ORDER PLACED" and "Pending Approval. This order needs to be approved in your purchasing system."

Either the order is either in draft cart or requisition status in SpearMart and needs to be processed by the shopper, or the order was "lost" between the Amazon system and SpearMart and needs to be re-entered.

     7. How can I order an eBook or Software from Amazon?

Request and obtain approval from your Dean, Director or Dept Head in order to open your PCard for this type of transaction and then contact

     8. How can I have an order shipped to an off-campus location?

Request and obtain approval from your Dean, Director or Dept Head in order to open your PCard for this type of transaction and then contact Include the business purpose for the off-campus ship-to location.

     9. How can I make a return?

Contact Amazon Business Customer Support at 866-486-2360 or click HERE for live chat.

     10. Other Questions

Contact Amazon Business Customer Support at 866-486-2360 or click HERE for live chat. If the Amazon Business customer support representative advises that an account change may need to be made by an account administrator, contact Procurement Services at 850-644-6850 or


Additional Resources

Procurement Regulations and Policy