Welcome to our Supplier Information Portal

NOTICE: University purchases are exclusively governed by the university’s standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (“PO”). ACCEPTANCE of a PO by a Supplier constitutes acceptance of those terms and conditions. The PO shall supersede and control over any Supplier form(s) or parts(s) thereof included or attached to any bid, proposal, offer, acknowledgment, or otherwise, and in the event of inconsistencies or contradictions, regardless of any statement to the contract in such form(s) or parts thereof. To the extent there is a separately negotiated and mutually executed Contract between the university and Supplier, the terms of the Contract will control and govern.

Key Topics

Location of University Procurement Office
Directions and Parking
Authority to Sign Contracts
Purchase Order Requirements
Shipping and Delivery Instructions
Payment Terms
Tax-Exempt Status
Solicitation Procedure
Conflict of Interest
Grievance Procedure
Demonstration of Equipment/Samples
Use of FSU Name, Trademark, Logos, or Marks
Use of University Space for Demonstrations
Gifts to Individuals Not Acceptable
Donations Do Not Influence Decisions
Frequently Asked Questions


For information about becoming a supplier with Florida State University visit our Supplier Onboarding page.

Location of University Procurement Office

Procurement Services is located in Building A, Suite 1400, of the University Center located on the corner of Pensacola Street and Champions Way. The mailing address is A1400 University Center, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2370. The central phone number is (850) 644-6850. The FAX number is (850) 644-8921. The office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (except University holidays). Suppliers are seen by appointment only during these hours.

Directions and Parking

For information concerning directions and parking including detailed campus maps, click Transportation and Parking Services.

Authority to Sign Contracts

Designated personnel are authorized to sign contracts or agreements that financially commit the University, or require the University to make payment of any kind based on their position title as outlined by university policy. Those with signature authority shall only sign contracts within the limit stated in policy. No department or individual shall sign any contract or agreement that represents in any manner whatsoever to an individual or business that the signor possess the authority to bind the University unless designated authority to do so by policy. Even when legal authority exists, all contracts and agreements for goods and/or services require review and approval by Procurement Services prior to the signing of the contract document.

Purchase Order Requirements

If a supplier ships products to FSU without prior receipt of an authorized University purchase order or purchasing card number, FSU reserves the right to reject and return any products received at the supplier's expense. Suppliers who perform services for FSU without prior receipt of an authorized University purchase order or purchasing credit card number jeopardize future business opportunities with FSU as well as removal from the University's preferred suppliers list, if applicable. At no time is the supplier authorized to ship product to or perform service at a location other than what is stated on the official University purchase order or requested at the point-of-sale by an authorized purchasing card cardholder.

Suppliers are cautioned against acting on oral or written requests for supplies, equipment, or services from any department or individual unless accompanied by a specific purchase order number or purchasing card number. The University will not be responsible for orders accepted or shipped by Suppliers without that required authorization. The appropriate purchase order number should appear on all correspondence to include invoices, packages, bills of lading, and packing lists.

Shipping and Delivery Instructions

The University policy for freight and product ownership is: All deliveries to FSU are F.O.B. DESTINATION. By definition, this means that title (ownership), and accordingly risks of loss or damage, passes to the Buyer (University) upon receipt at designated delivery points, and/or point of service areas as determined by Procurement Services.

Specific shipping and delivery instructions are found on each purchase order. Shipments are accepted between the hours of 8:00 and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except University holidays).

All Packages Must Show:

  1. The purchase order number.
  2. The department name/"attention to" name.
  3. Room number/location if stated on the purchase order.

Shipments that are inadequately labeled will be refused. All shipments that require special handling must be coordinated with the appropriate department in advance.


At no time is a supplier authorized to submit a purchase order invoice directly to an individual or the ordering department. Except where stipulated otherwise on the purchase order, address all invoices to:

Florida State University
UCA 5607 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2391


850-644-8137 (Fax)

Invoices that do not correspond to the purchase order's specifications, that are out of the ordinary, or require contract interpretation should be referred to the appropriate Procurement Specialist in Procurement Services. Suppliers can facilitate prompt, accurate payment with the following components of an "ideal" invoice:

  • Supplier name in header of invoice (a match for the Purchase Order name).
  • Supplier remit to address.
  • PO#, Supplier invoice# and invoice date
  • Supplier's Federal Identification Number (FEID)
  • Payment terms matching the Purchase Order payment terms
  • Sufficient itemization to know what goods / services were provided
  • Billing name: Florida State University
  • Billing amount

Payment Terms

Unless otherwise noted in the solicitation document, contract, or purchase order, FSU’s standard payment terms are net 40 from receipt of the invoice, goods received, or services performed, whichever is later. Suppliers that utilize FSU’s ePayables Program will maintain a preferred supplier status with FSU. Suppliers can select from one of the following payment terms:

  1. FSU’s ePayables Program NET 14 (Preferred)
  2. 2% 10 NET 40 via ACH or PayMode (Wells Fargo)
  3. NET 40

Tax-Exempt Status

FSU is tax exempt from the payment of all sales, use or excise taxes. Supplier shall pay all personal property taxes on leased equipment and all taxes based upon net income. For information regarding the University tax identification number or to obtain a copy of the FSU sales tax exemption certificate, contact Tax Administration at 850-644-5482.

Solicitation Procedure

FSU primary utilizes either an Invitation to Bid (ITB) or an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) solicitation process when conducting formal competitive solicitations (C/S). ITBs are generally best suited for standard off-the-shelf goods or services and are awarded based on meeting all of the specs of the ITB at the lowest cost. ITNs are awarded based on defined criteria, best value to FSU, and the consensus of an evaluation committee. Visit FSU's Public Procurement Portal view active C/S and to download relative C/S information. For assistance with downloading C/S information, email sourcing@fsu.edu or call 850-644-6850.  It is the responsibility of the supplier to check the C/S website for any addenda or other information and to incorporate the addenda in their C/S response. For specific questions concerning any C/S specifications, contact the Procurement Specialist or sole point of contact named within the solicitation document.

NOTE:  Respondents to C/S or persons acting on their behalf shall not contact any employee or officer of the Florida State University Board of Trustees, a University Direct Support Organization, or Florida State University concerning any aspect of this solicitation, except in writing to the Sole Point of Contact, Chief Procurement Officer, or as provided in the solicitation document,  from the date of release of the solicitation through the end of the 72-hour period following the University’s posting of the notice of intended award, in accordance with Florida Board of Governors Regulation 18.002 and Florida State University Regulation 6C2R-2.015. Violation of this provision may be grounds for rejecting a response.

Conflict of Interest

“Conflicts of Interest” occur when an FSU employee or immediate family member receives personal financial benefit from the employee’s University position in a manner which may inappropriately influence the employee’s judgment or compromise the employee’s ability to carry out FSU responsibilities or could be a detriment to FSU’s integrity. All university employees are subject to the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees in the State of Florida Statues 112.311-112.326. See Section 112.313 for conflict of interest details.

Grievance Procedure

Suppliers who have questions or concerns related to the business practices of the University in general or regarding a specific situation should address written inquiries or requests to: Chief Procurement Officer, A1400 University Center, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2370.

Demonstration of Equipment/Samples to Departments

FSU must approve and provide documentation (a purchase order for demonstration equipment) for any samples or trial equipment prior to delivery to any area of the University. FSU cannot accept any responsibility for equipment or supplies left without prior approval and proper documentation. Such merchandise may be considered a donation and no further obligation for it will be assumed by the University.

Use of FSU Name, Trademark, Logos, or Marks

The use of FSU’s name, trademarks, logos, marks or the name of any of its officers, faculty, divisions or departments in promotion of commercial products or services is not permitted unless expressly approved in writing and in advance. For the use of FSU’s name, trademarks, logos, or marks, contact the Office of University Tradmark Licensing:

Office of University Trademark Licensing
225 University Center, Suite C-5100
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2710
Telephone: 850.644.3141, Fax: 850.644.2979

Use of University Space for Product Demonstrations

FSU’s conference, teaching, and laboratory space is a scarce resource and must be conserved for the institution's educational, research, and laboratory functions. FSU does not provide space to suppliers for the purpose of general marketing demonstrations. Contact Procurement Services for exceptions or potential upcoming supplier fairs.

Gifts to Individuals Are Not Acceptable

Gifts to University faculty and staff at any time of the year are unnecessary and unacceptable, and will not improve the business relationship. We appreciate the sentiment behind such offerings, but we place greater value on suppliers' continued support in terms of providing the University with quality products and services at low prices. Suppliers who wish to donate to the University are welcome to address their gifts or inquiries about donations to the FSU Foundation. As a matter of principle, a supplier's donation has no bearing on his/her eligibility to sell to the University or the nature, volume, or terms of his business with the University.

Donations Do Not Influence Procurement Decisions

The FSU Foundation provides all prospective donors the opportunity to contribute to the University. The fact that a Company (or a firm member or representative) donates to the University or does not do so will have no bearing on the firm's eligibility to do business with the University. The University may on a regular or special campaign basis solicit support from the business community, both individual members of companies and the companies themselves whether currently doing business with the University or not.