Supplier FAQs

How do I make contact with someone in Procurement Services?

Visit the About Us section of the Procurement Services’ website for employee contact information.

Who has the authority to procure goods and services?

The Director of Procurement Services has the delegated authority to serve as the Chief Procurement Officer for the University and exercise the powers, duties, and functions pertaining to the procurement of commodities and contractual services. See Purchase Order Requirements. Only authorized FSU personnel may commit University funds and/or sign contracts.

Are all orders competitively awarded?

No, not all orders; however, FSU does encourage open competition when and where practible as it is the obligation of Procurement Services to secure timely delivery of quality goods and services at the most cost-effective prices. Competitive solicitations are required for most purchases exceeding $150,000.

How do I view the results of a Competitive Solicitation?

Visit the Competitive Solicitations webpage and click on the Notice of Intended Decision Link.

Why should I work with Procurement Services?

Procurement Services’ Staff are eager to identify potential opportunities and explain the procurement process. They will also provide advice, resources, and answers to questions about the University.

What is SpearMart?

SpearMart is the University’s online electronic procurement system. It is a web portal hosted by Jaggaer which allows campus faculty and staff to easily search and shop online for products and services from FSU contract suppliers.

How/when will I get paid or who do I contact for payment related questions?

See Payment Terms. For specific payment related questions, contact Payables and Disbursement Services at 850-644-5021 or

AnchorHow do I access current solicitations that FSU has issued and how can I respond?

Please visit FSU's Public Procurement Portal to view open or closed competitive solicitations. Click on the Respond Now button next to the event you are interested in and log into FSU's Supplier Management System. If you do not already have an account, simply click on the Create Account button. See Supplier Instructions for additional help and screenshots.

AnchorHow do I register as an FSU bidder and receive notifications of future competitive solicitations that may be of interest to me?

Please visit Registration to Receive Procurement Notifications. If you do not already have an account, simply click on the Create Account button. See Supplier Instructions for additional help and screenshots.