
The Supplier Onboarding and Updating Process

PaymentWorks is the supplier onboarding and management system used by Florida State University. University staff use this platform to invite suppliers (both entities and individuals) who are new to the University or existing suppliers who have not yet completed the PaymentWorks onboarding process. The supplier registers with PaymentWorks and provides their business information --legal names, tax IDs and statuses, addresses, payment preferences, etc.-- by completing an onboarding profile.

PaymentWorks validates the tax IDs and addresses and performs a database check in compliance with Federal and State regulations. Once the profile is approved by Supplier Relations, it is securely transmitted to the FSU systems, establishing a supplier record. You can use PaymentWorks to view the onboarding tracker of the suppliers you invited.


How to get access to PaymentWorks

Training is required to obtain the PaymentWorks Initiator role. This training is completed online through Canvas. You will register for this class through the OMNI HR Learning and Development.

  • Course Number: BTPWI1
  • Course Name: Payment Works Initiator

Once training is complete you can request the role FSU_PAYMENTWORKS via eORR (electronic Online Role Request) in the OMNI HR portal. The role is listed under the Financials grouping.



Submitting an Invitation

Supplier Center Instructions

Video: Townhall Session



PaymentWorks Quick Reference Guide

PaymentWorks Initiator Video

PaymentWorks Sending Invitations Video

PaymentWorks Order Addresses Video

PaymentWorks Reference Guide for Tracking Onboarding

Supplier Onboarding






PaymentWorks | Procurement Services


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