

Preferred Contract Vendor for Cleaning Supplies and Office Supplies

  • RGH Enterprises, Inc. has been in business for over 30 years and is located in Baltimore City
  • The building where RGH Products is located is owned by

    Ron Hoff and is 90% occupied by other small local businesses
  • RGH became part of the “Live Near Your Work (LNYW)” Program in 2000
    • 30% of RGH employees own their home in Baltimore City and 57% reside in the city
  • RGH supports the community and local businesses
    • Supported a number of community events including various drives and local sports teams
    • Supported a local businesses through various local business chapters and committees

How To Order

PunchOut Catalog in SpearMart.


RGH Account Executive FSU Procurement Specialist

Brandon Clifton

Office Supplies



Alexis Stone

Furniture, Office and Janitorial Supplies


Jennifer Nalepa

Janitorial Supplies



For Order Status, Support, and Returns:



For Office Supplies:

Natalie Mize and Tugba Madaus

850-644-3437 and 850-645-2304

nmize@fsu.edu and tmadaus@fsu.edu

For Janitorial Supplies:

Christopher Wise and Angelena Turvaville

850-644-3462 and 850-644-9723

cmwise@fsu.edu and aturvaville@fsu.edu



Contract Information

Sourcewell Contract # 012320-SCC

Term:  8/1/2020 - 3/1/2028

Delivery Terms: F.O.B. Destination.

Return Policy: Products may be returned in brand new condition for any reason within 30 days of purchase. Items may be exchanged or returned for a full refund, which will be issued in the same way the product was originally purchased.

Special Notes

  • If you can’t find an item in the catalog please contact the RGH Account Executive directly or the FSU Procurement Specialist noted above. Be sure to give them a complete description of the item and they may be able to either find the item or an equivalent.
  • Departments can use a non-catalog form to purchase items not available from the punchout catalog (i.e. appliances, etc.)
  • When receiving the order in OMNI make sure to do a receipt for each invoice, do not combine invoices as AP will not be able to pay.
  • When purchasing a single item over $5,000 or several items that constitute a single item and the total is $5,000 or more, be sure to code as OCO so that a property tag may be issued.
  • For personal purchases, click here: https://register.staplesadvantage.com/doRegister?RegFormId=qwpzap