State vs. Federal Funded Purchases

If the funding source of the purchase is state funds, a standard procurement process is most often the quickest and easiest method. See the Procurement Quick Reference Guide for general guidelines on what procurement methods can be followed depending on the Total Contract Value of the purchase. Additionally, there are some circumstances that warrant exemption from the standard competitive solicitation processes.

If the funding source of the purchase is federal (NSF, NIH, military, etc.) a standard procurement process is also most often the quickest and easiest method. For information on the limited federal exemptions that may apply click here.

In many instances it is quicker to issue a competitive solicitation than to gather the documentation required to justify a sole source purchase. For large scientific equipment purchases, the Invitation to Bid process is often 2 weeks or less, whereas the sole source justification process may take longer.

If you are expecting to make a large state-funded or federal-funded purchase, it is best to contact a Procurement Services representative as soon as possible to discuss the details of the purchase and to determine the most appropriate procurement method.