News Articles

What's new in Procurement?

PCard Exchange

Florida State University is in the process of converting the University’s banking services to a new strategic partner, Wells Fargo. During this conversion, there are some changes that will affect our campus users who are currently participating in the TCard and PCard program, which are outlined below.

PCard Transitions

We want to alert you to a nationwide fraud scam that is targeting suppliers at colleges across the country. Please take precautions so that you are not a victim of this scam.

The fraud scam involves purchase orders and requests for product quotations that purport to originate from the University but are in fact fraudulent.

Dates and Information are subject to change.

This document provides additional Procurement Services Information as FSU approaches the end of the fiscal year.

The link to the complete calendar for important dates and deadlines.


Casey Laurienzo will join FSU on Friday, June 2nd serving as the Scientific/Medical Strategic Category Manager in Procurement Services.  Oversight and responsibility will include developing and leading the execution of the strategy for FSU scientific/medical spend categories including scientific/medical research equipment and supplies, instrumentation, and maintenance.

The New SpearMart is Now Here….

The new SpearMart is now LIVE. All requisition and purchase order related activities (excluding receiving, invoicing/payments, and internal purchase orders) are no longer available in OMNI. SpearMart is now your one-stop shop for all procurement activity. SpearMart enhancements include:

Requester access in OMNI Financials system will be temporarily suspended beginning March 13, 2017 at 6:00 PM EST.  Requisition approvers will have until 12:00 noon EST on March 14, 2017 to complete approvals in the OMNI Financials system for external purchase orders. Requester access will be restored in OMNI and SpearMart on March 20, 2017.

March 20th, we will be going-LIVE with the New and Improved SpearMart, FSU’s electronic procurement system. All procurement requisition and purchase order related activities (excluding receiving, invoicing/payments, and internal purchase orders) will be moving out of OMNI and into SpearMart. The focus of the SpearMart Enhancement Project is to create a “One Stop Shopping” experience which includes shopping, requisition creation, workflow approvals, purchase order creation/distribution, as well as all procurement related paper forms.