PCard Manual Contents
Program Contacts
General Information
Transaction Limit
Dean/Director, Supervisor, Budget Manager Responsibilities
Cardholder Responsibilities
Proxy Responsibilities
Special Conditions
Prohibited Purchases
Frequently Asked Questions
Programs Contacts
Cardholder Training, Application Review, Processing & Setup |
Charles Mize | PCard Program Mgr | 850-644-9725 | cmize@fsu.edu |
Tonya Price | PCard Program | 850-645-5637 | tlprice@fsu.edu |
Suzanne White | PCard Program | 850-644-9728 | sw22q@fsu.edu |
Joy Henderson | Payer/Approver | 850-644-5481 | jhenderson3@fsu.edu |
Taneka Forbes | Payer/Approver | 850-644-3943 | tmforbes@fsu.edu |
Help Desk (questions, report lost or stolen cards, etc.) |
Wells Fargo | 800-932-0036 |
General Information
PCards may only be used for commodities for official, state-related purposes. Purchases must follow appropriate FSU policies, state laws and the published Expenditure Guidelines and must be made with reasonable judgment. If there is a question about the official purpose of a purchase, or if the use of the PCard to make a purchase is questionable, contact the PCard Administrators for clarification prior to making the purchase.
It is recommended that all individuals involved in the PCard process join the FSU PCard Listserv.
Cardholder and Cardholder/Approver Eligibility: The FSU PCard will be made available to all permanent USPS, A&P, OPS (must provide current FSU Employee ID reflecting employment status and a statement from the Dean/Director/Department Head/Chair (DDDHC) with application) or Faculty members, with the consent of the person’s Dean or Department Head and supervisor. FSU PCard cardholders, and those who are appointed to approve the charges made to the card, must be individuals of unquestioned honesty and integrity, who have consistently demonstrated the ability and willingness to follow University policies and procedures. Individuals who do not meet all of the above criteria shall not be issued a PCard, and shall not be named to approve the charges of others.
The PCard should be issued only to individuals who are responsible for making purchases on behalf of their departments. It requires the cardholder to know procurement rules and regulations and to be organized to the extent that complete records of all payments are available for audit at any time, without prior notification. Having a PCard is a privilege, not a right. The privilege may be withdrawn at any time, with good reason. The card may be suspended pending retraining, or it may be permanently revoked. As part of the cardholder application process, the cardholder will be advised of all their rights and responsibilities, including the possibility of employee termination for misuse of the card (See Violations)
Purchases will be audited to ensure compliance with contract suppliers and privileges may be suspended for FSU’s PCard and Amazon Business account for violations.
Any employee who knowingly and willingly makes purchases or attempts to make purchases that violate state laws, university PCard policy, procedures or assists another employee in such purchases, or fails to report the violation, may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Cardholder Agreement and the policies of the University. The Office of Inspector General Services will be notified of these attempts.
Contact a PCard Administrator for non-routine or questionable purchases before the purchase is made. For example, computer software/hardware that must meet specific requirements, critical delivery schedules, or assurance of compatibility with existing equipment, requires the use of a purchase order to ensure that specifications are met.
All transactions conducted within the State of Florida are exempt from State Sales and Use tax. The tax-exempt number is listed on each PCard. Federal or local taxes are not exempt. The cardholder should always inform the merchant that the purchase is tax-exempt before the card is swiped and ensure they are not charged taxes before signing any receipt. If taxes are charged, the cardholder should ensure the merchant removed the taxes prior to signing any receipt. Online purchases shipped to a Florida address are tax exempt.
Merchants are not authorized to charge the PCard until they have shipped the merchandise to the cardholder. Cardholders must make the suppliers aware of this requirement.
The merchant should ship the delivery receipt and the item purchased directly to the cardholder or designated departmental receiving point. Items should be shipped to an FSU address. All receipts will be maintained at the department level.
University Controller, Office of Inspector General Services, Procurement Services and the State of Florida auditors will perform periodic post audits of PCard activity. These audits will be performed on an unscheduled basis and without prior notice to the department.
PCards will be immediately canceled and destroyed for the following reasons:
Cardholder terminates employment or transfers departments within FSU;
Cardholder no longer requires a PCard
Cardholder reports the loss or theft of PCard
Card Issuance and Cancellation
The PCard Administrators are responsible for all card issuance and cancellation.
Eligible employees may apply for a card by using the Cardholder Application form in SpearMart. The appropriate approvals will need to approve the form when submitted.
Cards must be returned to the PCard Administrator on a Cardholder Termination Form when cardholder changes departments within the University or terminates employment with the University, or when cardholder no longer requires a card.
PCard Limitations and Restrictions
Card profiles are determined and set by PCard Administrators. Card profiles determine how the card may be used.
PCard Administrators are responsible for establishing and changing card profiles.
Cardholder Transaction Limit
The default individual transaction limit per cardholder is $2,500. Higher per transaction limits may be extended for limited purchases on an "as needed" basis or sometimes at the suggestion of Procurement Services. These requests are best made via email to the Procurement PCard Administrators, providing info about the purchase: supplier, items being purchased, department budget number to be charged, any necessary back-up documentation, and the approval of the cardholder's Dean, Director, or Department Head. If approved, the request, along with a copy of the email confirming the increase, must be maintained with the associated Statement of Account. Procurement Services will on a periodic basis review credit utilization reports to evaluate the overall program credit risk and may as a result reduce the transaction limit for those cardholders with low and/or infrequent usage.
Note: Cardholders must ensure charges are not split to avoid the transaction limit (Splitting a transaction is when a cardholder allows a merchant to take a higher dollar transaction and process it across multiple transactions, days or across other cards to avoid the transaction limit.)
Cash Advances
Under no circumstances are cash advances on the FSU PCard allowed.
PCard Security
Use of the PCard is limited to the University employee whose name appears on the face of the card. The PCard should not be loaned to another person under any circumstances. If a cardholder is absent for a period of time, the department should seek to obtain another card for a different designated employee, either temporarily or permanently. Any cardholder sharing their card information or allowing another individual to use their card for purchases may have their cardholder privileges revoked.
Each cardholder is responsible for the security of his/her card. All precautions should be used to maintain confidentiality of all information relating to the card, such as the cardholder account number and expiration date. The account number should never be left in a conspicuous place.
Receipt Requirements
Receipts are a critical part of the PCard program. Accurate, detailed records of PCard purchases ensure verification and audit of charges for compliance with University and State policies, rules and statutes. Receipts and other documentation must be kept for all purchases.
A receipt may be a(n):
Cash Register or Sales Receipt
Registration Form
Packing List – with cost listed for each item
Depending on the circumstances of the purchase:
Confirmation – for payment
Completed web or mail order form/confirmation – indicating purchase paid with credit card
Receipts must include the following specific information. If the receipt provided does not contain the following, the Cardholder must contact the supplier to obtain a more detailed receipt:
Unit cost of each item purchased
Description of each item purchased
Total cost of purchase
Supplier name and preferably a supplier address
Date of purchase
Lost or Missing Receipts:
Cardholder is responsible for obtaining a duplicate receipt from the supplier
If a duplicate cannot be obtained, the cardholder must use the Replacement Receipt Form
Excessive use of the Replacement Receipt Form may result in suspension of card privileges (Replacement Receipt Forms cannot be used for charges against Contracts and Grants (C&G) or Foundation funds)
Receipt of the goods or services purchased on the PCard is certified by the cardholder’s signature on the monthly reconciliation.
Other important receipt requirements:
Cardholders must sign the monthly PCard reconciliation. These signatures certify that the attached documentation represents payment for PCard charges that have been received, that are appropriate expenditures in accordance with PCard training and provide a direct benefit to the University.
Cardholders MUST give their receipts and any other purchase documentation to their Proxy immediately upon making a purchase.
Cardholders MUST ensure that full credit card numbers are blacked out on any receipts.
Handwritten totals are not acceptable documentation of the cost on any receipts.
Reconciliation of Charge Receipts
The reconciliation o cardholders' charges must be prepared monthly. Departments are responsible for completing a monthly review for each cardholder with activity. This includes the required signatures and the corresponding list of charges by cardholder (FSU_CTRL_AP_PCARD_RECON).
The cardholder, proxy, and the cardholder’s supervisor or Dean/Director/Department Head (DDDH), or their designee, must sign the monthly reconciliation attesting that all charges are valid and initiated by the cardholder. Anyone deemed the DDDH designee must be listed on the FSU Authorized Signature List. No individual may sign more than one line on the review (as either a Proxy, Cardholder, or Supervisor/DDDH). Three unique signatures are required.
Prompt completion of the review is essential. Reports must be prepared within 30 days of the month being reviewed. Delays in completing the review process may be cause for PCard suspension. In addition, related Travel Cards may also be suspended.
The reconciliation must be completed monthly, filed within the department, and be available for inspection upon request. The reconciliation must be legible and may be scanned and stored digitally.
The department is responsible for maintaining the system prescribed for receipt retention and review. Internal controls call for periodic internal audits of the program. Audits may take place without prior notice to the department.
The Payment Process
The University is responsible for assigning persons (Proxies) to authorize payment of PCard charge receipts weekly.
The PCard Proxy must be independent of cardholders, must be knowledgeable regarding card procedures. Proxy should recommend corrective action to the cardholder if inappropriate charges have been made on the PCard.
PCard charges are received by the University each Tuesday and should be approved no later than the next Monday at noon. Proxies will be notified via email of any charges that have not been approved.
Payments must be approved as soon as possible, but no later than noon on the next Monday. Proxies must put the charges in “Approved” status for payment. Proxies are responsible to enter an appropriate account code, descriptions of goods purchased, attach the receipt and verify the budget information for all charges they process to “Approved” status.
If the charge is to be formally disputed or if the charge is fraudulent, the Proxy can put the charge in “Verified” status. To formally dispute a charge, the cardholder must fill out the Dispute Form, sign and fax it to Wells Fargo immediately after the Proxy has put the charge into “Verified” status. If the charge is fraudulent, the cardholder must call the bank to report the fraud, rather than file the dispute form.
Failure to process the charges by noon on Monday, will result in PCard Payers putting a “Forced” status on that charge against the default dept id/fund assigned to the card in the OMNI system.
The PCard Proxy should make every attempt to obtain confirmation of receipt of goods from the cardholders before payment can be authorized. Note: The Proxy cannot put charges in “Verified” status pending receipts from cardholders or verification of goods received. If the Proxy is unable obtain verification, they should approve the charge and then have the cardholder file a dispute after the fact, if there is a problem with the charge. The cardholder must file the formal dispute within sixty (60) days of the charge post date.
If goods have been returned for credit a Wells Fargo credit should appear for approval on a subsequent transaction file. If the credit is not processed by the supplier, a dispute can be filed within 60 days of the original transaction.
PCard Proxies are responsible for notifying the PCard Payers when they and their back up will be absent or unable to process card charges for any reason. PCards should not be used immediately prior to and throughout the period that both the Proxies are absent.
Default accounting codes are automatically assigned to a given cardholder's default budget. Proxies have the capability to distribute charges to a different budget at the time of approval. If the charges must be put into “Forced” status by the PCard Payer, the default Dept Id and Fund will be used.
Training and Renewal
All cardholders and Proxies must accomplish on-line training on the policies and procedures associated with the PCard Program and are responsible for the information found in this User Manual. They must be informed on PCard requirements and other sources of information relevant to the program. Cardholders and Proxies are responsible for enforcing all PCard policies.
Cards are renewed every three (3) years for the first renewal and then every two (2) or three (3) years after that. All cardholders are required to re-accomplish the on-line training when notified by a PCard Administrator. The card cannot be issued to the cardholder until they have accomplished the re-training and passed the test. If the cardholder has accomplished training within less than two (2) years, this requirement is waived.
The PCard Program was established, in part, to lessen the amount of paperwork and processing time currently needed for small dollar purchases. Therefore, PCard charges are not encumbered.
PCard Departmental Internal Controls
Sufficient internal controls must be in place for all University departments utilizing a PCard. Each department must ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, PCard Policies and Procedures, and other governing instruments. Each department is required to develop and document internal control procedures that ensure PCard usage is consistent with this manual and to develop guidelines for distribution to cardholders. In those cases where it is determined that internal controls are not adequate, the PCard Administrators and Payers have the authority to request improvements and/or place PCard restrictions on the department until such controls are established, documented and implemented.
Separation of Duties
Each department must ensure:
No cardholder can buy, receive, approve and reconcile a PCard charge for his/ her own card.
All charges on the cardholder’s PCard are approved and reviewed by a trained Proxy.
The Proxy should not be subordinate to the cardholder unless there is a third level of review by a direct supervisor or another appropriate University representative who is independent of the cardholder and Proxy duties.
Proper Oversight
The department’s budget manager or department head must ensure proper oversight of PCard use within his or her department. This includes developing internal controls that ensure a thorough review of the department’s PCard transactions and assurance that each transaction is for official state business. This is documented by signing off on the monthly PCard reconciliation.
Physical Controls
Physical controls should be present to ensure security of PCards and records. Records must be stored in a secure location to which only authorized individuals have access.
PCard Violations
Issuance of a PCard is based on business need. Cardholders must use the PCard responsibly and in a manner consistent with the University’s mission and ethical practices and applicable laws. If fraudulent use occurs, the cardholder will be required to reimburse the University for any and all fraudulent purchases. Moreover, misuse or fraudulent use of the PCard may result in progressive administrative and/or disciplinary action, including criminal prosecution.
Examples of abuse, misuse, and negligence include:
- Buying products from a source other than the university’s contracted supplier(s) without written authorization from a PCard Administrator even if using Foundation funds
- Making Prohibited Purchases and/or not following appropriate procedure listed under Special Conditions
- Intentionally splitting a purchase to circumvent delegated authority or the transaction limit
- Failing to follow departmental internal controls related to the use of the PCard
- Failing to maintain original receipts and other documentation, or obtain approvals
- Other breaches of procurement and PCard policies or procedures
Fraudulent Use
ALL transactions must be for the use and benefit of Florida State University. Personal purchases are strictly forbidden. General Counsel will determine which cases warrant criminal prosecution.
Corrective Actions for Violations
- PCard suspensions are placed and removed at the discretion of Procurement Services and paths to reactivation are individualized by circumstance
- Revocation of any PCard is at the discretion of Procurement Services
Personal Use of PCard – If the offense is found to be accidental, the cardholder should have the supplier credit back the purchase. If the supplier cannot issue a credit, the cardholder is required to reimburse the University. (More than one accidental personal use, may lead to the PCard being revoked). If the offense is judged to be fraud, progressive administrative and/or disciplinary action, including criminal prosecution may result.
Dean, Director, Department Head, Immediate Supervisor and Budget Account Manager Responsibilities
Recommend potential Cardholders, Proxies and appropriate backups for the program.
Ensure that potential cardholders are not assigned to Proxies who are related to them.
Ensure that potential cardholders are not assigned Proxies who report to the cardholder(s) without a third party available to ensure all charges are appropriate and within the program requirements.
Periodically review the list of his/her department’s cardholders by monitoring the OMNI query FSU_DPT_PCARD_HOLDERS to assure the continuing need for the PCard.
Ensure that each cardholder has signed the Cardholder Agreement and completed training to use the purchasing authority appropriately.
Ensure that statements and source documents are retained for a period of five (5) years after the year in which the purchase was made, unless the funding source dictates a longer period.
Ensure employee cooperation with transaction/desk reviews, bank investigations of suspected fraud or university investigations of alleged improper governmental activities.
Report suspected improper activities to the Office of Inspector General Services and the PCard Administrator.
Review Internal Control Responsibility and Accountability policy 4-OP-A-9.
Ensure that cardholders who terminate employment or transfer stop using the PCard and surrender the PCard immediately upon notification of the termination or transfer, and review all outstanding PCard transactions with the appropriate individuals prior to termination or transfer.
Cardholder Responsibilities
Accomplish University PCard training to acknowledge the responsibilities with respect to use of the card. The cardholder will be required to sign a Cardholder Agreement, when the card is issued, acknowledging these responsibilities.
Follow appropriate state laws, FSU policies and procedures, and use good judgment when making purchases. Abuse or misuse of this privilege can subject the cardholder to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.
Ensure the physical security of the PCard and protect the account number. The PCard number must not be posted in the cardholder’s work area. Under no circumstances will a cardholder allow another individual to use the card or provide another individual with their card information. If a PCard is lost or stolen, the cardholder will immediately notify the Wells Fargo at 1-800-932-0036 AND the PCard Administrator. Lost or stolen cards reported missing over the telephone to Wells Fargo will be closed immediately.
Contact the PCard Administrator. to obtain a replacement card through the bank if the bank did not already order the card for you when you notified them of the loss of the card.
At time of purchase, request State Sales and Use Taxes not to be charged to the PCard account. Cardholders must show (read, if on telephone) the merchant the sales tax exemption number on the front of the PCard. The Tax-Exempt Certificate copies are available to you on the web under the Controller’s web site. (If merchant insists on charging tax, purchases may still be made at the cardholder’s discretion if tax is minimal).
Obtain and forward PCard receipts immediately upon making the purchase to their Proxy for monitoring of charges. If the cardholder cannot obtain a receipt, complete Replacement Receipt Form documenting each item that was purchased for the transaction, item by item, with the cost of each item listed and a statement that the purchase was for official business. The cardholder will then forward the replacement form to the Proxy immediately. Cardholders who continually lose receipts may be subject to loss of PCard privileges. Special Note: The Replacement Receipt Form is not an acceptable receipt for any Contract & Grants (C&G) or Foundation expenditures. Alternate funds may be required to pay for charges where the cardholder cannot obtain a valid receipt.
Sign the monthly PCard reconciliation. Signature certifies the attached documentation represents payment for PCard charges that have been received, and purchases are appropriate expenditures in accordance with PCard training and are a direct benefit to the University.
Identify disputed items and contact merchant directly to resolve disputes; document all attempts at dispute resolution. If a cardholder returns merchandise, a credit should be issued to the cardholder’s PCard account and a credit receipt obtained. Under no circumstances may a cardholder receive cash or a store credit or gift card for a return. If the merchant refuses to resolve the dispute, the cardholder must complete and sign a Cardholder Statement of Disputed Items Form and forward the original form to a PCard Payer and send a copy to the cardholder’s Proxy. For canceled orders, obtain a cancellation number and include it on the dispute form.
A fraudulent charge is when a merchant that you have never contacted or done business with before places charges on your card without your knowledge. You may see multiple charges hit your card when this occurs. This means your card has been compromised and must be closed immediately. Should this occur, contact Wells Fargo immediately at 1-800-932-0036 to notify them of the fraudulent charge(s). The bank will close your card and order a new one to be sent to the PCard Administrator. Then notify the PCard Administrator of the fraud and that a new PCard will be forthcoming. Have your Proxy place any charges in “Verified” status if they post to the OMNI system.
Upon termination of employment or transfer to another position within the university:
Stop using the PCard at least two (2) weeks prior to departure.
Return the PCard to the PCard Administrator in Procurement Services using the Cardholder Termination Form
Review all outstanding PCard transactions with the appropriate Proxy prior to leaving the department.
If an inappropriate item(s) was purchased and cannot be authorized, it must be returned to the merchant for a full refund. Otherwise, the charge must be paid and the Cardholder must provide reimbursement to FSU by a personal check or a check from the FSU Foundation. The PCard Administrator must be notified immediately. If reimbursing FSU from a personal check, the Cardholder must submit a personal check to the FSU Cashier’s Office in Student Business Services (payable to “FSU”) along with the Department Expense Refund Form within ten (10) working days upon notification of the inappropriate charge. The receipt from the FSU Cashier must be attached to the PCard receipt documentation. The identical Dept Id, Fund, account code and charge amount must be reimbursed.
Ensure they do not exceed the limits assigned to their PCard by splitting charges or exceeding allowed amount per supplier per day.
Read and familiarize themselves with spending limits that require quotes, bids, or other competitive solicitations and with the suppliers that have established a contract with FSU and/or the State of Florida. These suppliers are to be used first when purchasing goods regardless of the funds used to pay for the transaction and only if they cannot provide items or comparable items needed, can the cardholder go outside of the contract. Beginning October 8, 2018 PCard purchases with an approved FSU Amazon Business account will no longer require waivers for non-contract items. If you find an item that is restricted and you have researched FSU contract suppliers and cannot find it please contact a PCard Administrator with Procurement Services. Purchases will be audited to ensure compliance with contract suppliers and privileges may be suspended for FSU’s PCard and Amazon Business account for violations.
Proxy (or back-up Proxy) in the Department Responsibilities
Accomplish training on the use of PCard and Proxy responsibilities.
Maintain two separate folders for each individual cardholder where purchase receipts are retained until they are accounted for in the departmental ledger. Proxies should have an “Unpaid” and “Paid” folder for each cardholder. When the cardholder provides receipts for their purchases, they are put into the “Unpaid” folder. When the charge is loaded into the OMNI system, coded and put into approved status by the proxy, the receipt is moved to the “Paid” folder and maintained there to await the receipt of the monthly report.
Monitor PCard transactions to ensure all charges are authorized and within the program requirements, agree with the receipt in folder, and cardholder has received the items. Monitor the PCard module to ensure all transactions are processed immediately when notification is received. All charges must be placed in either an “Approved” or “Verified” status immediately when email notification is received. Proxy must ensure the record reflects the correct information as per the cardholder receipt on file and correct information was entered into the electronic PCard System. Proxies must ensure they enter a description of items purchased, an accurate account code is used, and verify the budget information for each charge they put into “Approved” status.
Track any disputed or fraudulent PCard charges awaiting credits or placed in “verified” status to ensure that the appropriate credit is received and/or dispute is settled. Notify cardholder if expected credit is not received on the next monthly report. When the disputed charge is credited back, change the status on the charge in “verified” status to approved and type “credit received” in the description. Then process both the charge and credit through OMNI.
Research all transactions that may be questioned by the PCard Payers or that may have a budget error and provide corrected information immediately. If rejected charges/budget errors are not corrected by the department proxy, the PCard Payers will find a Dept Id and Fund that have sufficient funds for that department, change the information on the charge, and the department proxy must process a correction with a Journal Transfer Form.
Notify the PCard Program Administrator when unusual or restricted transactions appear in the electronic PCard System and work with cardholder on resolving problems.
Assist in collecting FULL reimbursement, from the cardholder for unauthorized purchases, and ensure they deposit the reimbursement to the Cashier’s Office, then send a copy of the reimbursement receipt immediately to the PCard Payers.
Ensure that monthly Reconciliations are completed, reviewed, and approved by the due date. Reports should be completed and maintained as follows:
Complete the Reconciliation Form for all cardholders with activity. The review should include the list of charges (FSU_CTRL_AP_PCARD_RECON) with appropriate signatures (Cardholder, Proxy, and Cardholder’s DDDH) and be labeled with the cardholder, department, month and year. Have Cardholder, Proxy, and Cardholder’s DDDH or their designee sign each report and file report, clearly labeled with the cardholder and department name, month and year. Clearly scanned documents may be used and stored electronically.
All reconciliations must be retained for five (5) years or until after state audit for that specific period of time, whichever comes later. Certain grants may require a longer retention period.
Completed reconciliations should be retained as part of the monthly departmental ledger review.
All reports must be made available to the PCard Payer and/or PCard Administrators for audit upon request.
Ensure compliance with this manual.
Special Conditions
The following commodities are authorized purchases under the FSU PCard Program, but only after specific procedures, mandates, or authorizations are obtained PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE regardless of the funding source. Those specific requirements are listed next to each item listed. If the specific conditions are not met or the approvals are obtained after the purchase was made, the purchase may be considered unauthorized and the cardholder will be required to return all items or reimburse FSU for the purchases.Ensure all required documentation below is kept with receipts for reconciliation and audit purposes.
Item Purchased |
Additional Documentation |
Appliances, including but not limited to refrigerators, coffee makers, stoves, and microwaves | Must be available for use by entire office staff. Appliances costing over $2,000 will require a written justification. |
Flowers - congratulatory & condolence | Items must be purchased using the correct fund type. See Expenditure Guidelines for details. |
Gasoline or Diesel Fuels or Auto Repairs, Service, Detailing, etc. |
FSU Owned Vehicles License Plate # must be included in OMNI description and on receipt |
Memberships |
Approved University Membership Justification Form AND Approved Certification With Public Funds Form prior to the purchase |
Online Auction sites (eBay, etc.) | Purchases must be a firm price and not a bid. See Expenditure Guidelines for details. |
Promotional Items (flowers, knick-knacks, t-shirts, cups, trophies, giveaways, etc.) | Items must be purchased using the correct fund type. See Expenditure Guidelines for details. |
Recurring Charges and/or Automatic Renewals for publications, subscriptions, storage unit, etc. | Cardholder is required to cancel the renewal prior to a card being canceled. |
Telephone or any device connected to a phone line at FSU, or cellular phones and services | Requires ITS approval. |
Uniforms / Safety Clothing |
Approved Perquisite Form from Human Resources |
Food |
Food can be purchased ONLY if the department has an appropriate budget that allows food and the expenditure falls within the Expenditure Guidelines. Cards have to be opened to a special profile to allow for food purchases. |
Controlled Substance - Prescription and US Drug Enforcement Agency Controlled | A written authorization/waiver from a PCard Administrator is required. May require authorization from Department of Environmental Health & Safety - www.safety.fsu.edu / 850-644-6895 |
Furniture |
Items must be purchased from an established furniture contract supplier. If furniture is needed that is not under an established furniture contract, a written authorization/waiver from a PCard Administrator is required. |
Hazardous Materials | A written authorization/waiver from a PCard Administrator is required. May require authorization from Department of Environmental Health & Safety - www.safety.fsu.edu / 850-644-6895 |
Personal Medical Accomodations |
Written authorization from HR to satisfy ADA requirements AND written authorization from PCard Administrator must be obtained prior to purchase |
Shipping to Non-FSU authorized addresses | A written authorization/waiver from a PCard Administrator is required. |
Software, IT Services, domain hosting, or domain registrations | Software Checklist must be approved by ITS prior to the purchase unless the software is being purchased from the FSU ITS website directly. Software checklist form and ITS approval should be attached to the receipt when reconciling. |
Prohibited Purchases
The following are Prohibited PCard purchases regardless of the funding source. If a cardholder has a special need, they must contact the PCard Administrators PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE. Waivers can be made for bona fide emergencies, but without prior approval from the PCard administrators, the cardholder will be charged with a violation of program rules.
NOTE: Please consult the Expenditure Guidelines to ensure your purchase is in compliance as some items are only permitted with certain restrictions.
Items Prohibited by State Law and/or FSU Regulation or Policy (OP-D-2-C)
Aerial Drones
Alcoholic Beverages or products with alcoholic content for consumption
Cash Advances, cash awards (including Honorariums or Stipends)
Computers (desktops, laptops, and tablets utilizing Microsoft and Mac operating systems)
Construction, Remodeling, Renovations
Contractual Services: (such as consulting services, training services, maintenance, etc.)
Copying/Printing/Photocopying at any supplier other than The UPS Store on in FSU’s Union – (Merchant Codes are locked out and will be declined)
Defibrillator Equipment
Employee Benefits: entertainment, tuition, gifts, personal use items such as: decorations, clocks, lamps, plants, frames, break room supplies, etc.
Fines, late fees, penalties (including parking tickets)
Gift Cards - Use Gift Card SpearMart catalog
Payments in Advance (Deposits)
Rental or Lease of Office or Residential Space
Travel (Hotel, Gas, Rental Car, Meals, etc.)