Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are purchases that are part of startup packages exempt from the procurement process?
    Purchases that are part of startup packages must still go through a procurement process as required by procurement policies. See the Procurement Quick Reference Guide for general guidelines on what procurement methods can be used and an expected timeline for each depending on the Total Contract Value of the purchase.
  2. What do I have the authority to sign?
    See the FSU Signatory Policy. Section II.(C) indicates the authorized signatories based on Total Contract Value.
  3. When do I need to contact Procurement Services?
    • Whenever you estimate a product or service that you are interested in purchasing may have Total Contract Value of $25K or greater.
    • Whenever a supplier provides a cost estimate, a quote, or a contract for a product or service with a Total Contract Value of $25K or greater.
    • Whenever a supplier provides a document with purchase terms & conditions that requires a University signature.
  4. When I am interested in making a large purchase, what information should I provide to Procurement Services?
    A background of your research, a scope of work, and/or technical specifications for a product or service that would meet your needs.
  5. When is it appropriate to use a University PCard?
    See our procurement webpage for PCard purchases.