Unencumbered Payments

Guidelines for Unencumbered Payments - Updated 1/26/15

The only Authorized buying means for campus are an Official University Purchase Order (PO) or a University PCard Number. See below for unencumbered payment exceptions.

Although the items and services noted on this webpage are allowed as an unencumbered payment, if a supplier requires a purchase order or needs a contract signed by FSU, you will need to request for a contract/PO through the normal requisition process.  This includes suppliers wanting their terms and conditions to be considered as part of our agreement or they do not accept the University’s terms and conditions.

AP Central Office/ UBA/ Decentralized Sites:

  • Accreditation fees
  • Background checks by Florida Law Enforcement agencies
  • Bond payments
  • Building Leases / Rentals (as approved by University Lease Administrator, 645-6744)
  • Cadavers for Gross Anatomy laboratory
  • College of Medicine’s clinical rotation payments
  • Conference registrations within Tallahassee area
  • Health Insurance
  • Homeland Security fees as required by the Federal Government
  • Insurance payments to other Florida state agencies--Bid and quote laws must be adhered to when doing business with a private insurer
  • Land purchases
  • Legal services as approved by General Counsel’s office
  • Management Data activity
  • Management Data rejected payments from MAXIMUS on Purchase Orders
  • Medical services for student athletes
  • Merchant credit card charge fees
  • Memberships & Registrations (fees for professional organizations and events)
  • Non-duty Stipends/ Scholarships/ Fellowships – not including honoraria, for which Purchase Orders are required.
  • Notary/insurance/stamp services for benefit of the University
  • Postal services via the US Postal Services (stamps, meters, packaging)
  • Publication charges/ Page charges/ Scientific reprint fees
  • Purchasing card and Travel card transactions
  • Revolving Fund payments processed in General Accounting
  • Settlement Agreements for settlements with vendors or employees as outlined in the agreement, approved by the appropriate Vice-President
  • Subscriptions and Renewal Subscriptions
  • Utilities (water, electric, sewer, gas, refuse disposal)
  • Vehicle tags for University vehicles. This can include tags or licenses for boats, cars, vans and trucks.

Travel Office:

  • Conference registrations outside the Tallahassee area
  • Hotels’ Direct Billings