FSU Offset Printing


Preferred Contract Supplier: FSU Buyer’s Guide to Offset Printing

How To Order

This is a non-Catalog Supplier. Use the Services Request Form within SpearMart.


FSU Procurement Specialist
Natalie Mize and Tugba Madaus
850-644-3437 and 850-645-2304
nmize@fsu.edu and tmadaus@fsu.edu

Special Notes

Offset Printing Requests - How to order :

Offset printing requests will be processed by Procurement Services. Departments should enter requisition in SpearMart using the Services Request Form with a complete description of the print job in the description and submit all printing specifications to Patricia Keller. Job specifications regarding the project requirement is necessary to provide a price quote and time frame before production starts. Offset printing jobs valued at $10,000 or more will be subject to competitive pricing through the Procurement solicitation process.

Printing Specifications Instructions

Printing Specifications Quote Template

How to Write Good Print Specs

Printing Quick Reference Guide